How to complete a Train Heist in Fortnite


Completing a train heist in Fortnite will give you access to some solid loot early on in a match, but only if you’re quick enough to stake your claim.

First introduced in Chapter 5 Season 1, the train is a moving POI that travels along a predetermined route around the map. While the train is primarily for looting, hitching a ride also allows players to quickly traverse the map.

Whether you’re ticking off the challenge, or want to learn how the Train Heist works, this page can help.

What is the train in Fortnite, and where can you find the train location?

Since the train is a moving POI, it can be a little hard to track. However, in Chapter 6 Season 1, the train will always stop at Brutal Boxcars for its first pit stop.

Train direction marked with an arrow in Fortnite.

Image: Epic Games via Polygon

The train spawns in right at the beginning of a match, and you can see it the second you bring up your map screen. You can see the train location as designated by the map icon, as seen in the screenshot above, and the train even has an arrow to denote in which direction it’s traveling.

There are a few things you should know about the train:

  • The train can and will take you into the storm
  • The train’s cache can be opened multiple times in a match in Chapter 6 Season 1 — meaning you’ll have a few chances to complete a train heist in one game.
  • The cache will glow once a heist can be started.
  • The train will occasionally stop at stations near named locations around the map, so be wary of oncoming passengers looking to complete a heist of their own.

How to complete a train heist in Fortnite

The first step to completing a train heist in Fortnite is getting onto the train. Since the train always stops at Brutal Boxcars at the beginning of the match, we recommend landing nearby.

To complete the train heist, you need to get on the train and interact with with the chest on the frontmost open carriage. Make sure to interact with the chest first; if an opposing player initiates the heist, you will not get credit for the quest and have to wait for the chest to become accessible again.

Hatsune Miku opening a glowing chest on a train in Fortnite.

Image: Epic Games via Polygon

It takes around one minute for the heist to complete, so stick by the chest and fend off any oncoming players for the time being. To see the heist’s progress, look at the diamond with the train chest inside or at the loading bar on the train chest itself. Once the diamond or loading bar are full, the heist will finish and loot will spill out onto the floor.

How to make the Train Heist easier

If you’re struggling to hack the train, we recommend waiting until later in the season when the train is a less popular destination, as over time, more players will have completed the challenge, and the novelty of the feature will wear off.

Also, remember you can complete a train heist with multiple teammates in Fortnite. In either the Solos, Duos, Trios, or Quads mode, an entire team can complete a train heist and claim all the loot for themselves. This does also mean other squads will do the same — so keep that in mind!


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