Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind Review – Saturday Morning Nostalgia


As someone who grew up a pretty huge Power Rangers fan, it feels like we’ve been pretty starved for a good, proper game for the series. Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid was great, but I just want to beat up some putties and, thankfully, Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind delivers on that.

Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind
Developer: Digital Eclipse
Price: $34.99
Platform: Nintendo Switch, PC (reviewed), PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S
MonsterVine was supplied with a Steam code for review

Rita’s Rewind opens up with a robotic version of Rita finding a way to travel back in time to before our favorite teens with attitude became seasoned rangers, and partners with her past self to rid herself of the Power Rangers finally. The story is silly, dumb Saturday morning cartoon fun and by the time it was wrapping up, I honestly could’ve done another three hours of it. The entire game felt like an extended episode of Power Rangers which is probably the best compliment I can give.

If I’m never going to get my dream Power Rangers musou game, a 2D beat ‘em up is just as good. You can choose to play between any of the five main rangers (you unlock Tommy by finishing the game) across fifteen missions that’ll take you all over Angel Grove, from the city streets to a carnival. The action’s tight, with the perfect arcade feel that you want out of something in this genre. What’s here isn’t particularly complex, you have some simple maneuvers you can do to set up some combos, but what Digital Eclipse does do is make everything feel incredibly satisfying as you and your friends smash your way through hordes of putties.

Sometimes the rangers need to give chase, in this case, you’ll be treated to these hectic on-rail shooter segments, reminiscent of Afterburner, where you’re chasing after a monster in your bikes as you fire at them. Packing a screen full of rangers can make these sections a tad chaotic, but that just adds to the fun as you race down highways.

Now it wouldn’t be a Power Rangers game without being able to pilot the Megazord. Similarly to the bike levels, these stages start with you piloting your respective ranger’s Dinozord as you tear your way into one of Rita’s mines where she’s powering her time crystals. Getting to the end of this will then reward you with Rita, in proper sore loser fashion, making her monster grow, and it’s here when your team forms into the Megazord. I was curious how this part of the game would be controlled in co-op games and it’s refreshingly simple: each player takes a turn piloting the Megazord in a first-person perspective as you fight giantized monsters like Goldar, Punch-Out!! style. Your goal is to build enough meter to summon your power sword to deliver the finishing blow, and before that, you’ll take turns with your fellow players as everyone gets to land some blows on the monster. It’s incredibly fun, even if it can be a bit awkward at points when the monster keeps running away from your attacks, making it difficult to build a meter.

Between stages, the game’s got some minor distractions to keep your attention. During levels, you may spot some conspicuously hidden collectibles strewn about; manage to grab them and you’ll be able to view them at the Angel Grove Youth Center. You can hang out there between missions to chat up characters like Bulk & Skull, Ernie, or other characters from the show that you rescue during missions. You’ll also be able to fix some arcade machines to play. Additionally, there’s also a speed-run mode available to you and some combat training if you need to refresh your ranger skills.

The Final Word
Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind is the perfect beat ‘em up to play with a few friends, as you jam along to the series’ iconic theme song and relive that Saturday morning cartoon fun.

– MonsterVine Rating: 4 out of 5 – Good


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